Local Area Representatives play a key role in fulfilling the NPF mission to provide strong, fair, and progressive representation to Members. LARs help connect Members with the NPF, ensuring that you receive NPF news and information and that your issues are brought to the attention of the NPF. LARs may be the first contact for Members facing conduct issues or who have complaints regarding their rights.

The number of LARs is based on one representative for the first 100 Registered Members of a district and one additional representative for every additional 250 Registered Members or portion thereof. For example, a district with 543 Registered Members would have 4 LARs (1-100 = 1, 101-350 = 2, 351-500 = 3, 501-543 = 4).

BC Island District

BC South East District

BC Lower Mainland District

BC E Div North District

AB Central District

AB South District

AB K Div East District

AB K Div West District

SK F Div Depot District

SK F Div Central District

SK F Div North District

SK F Div South District (includes F Div HQ)

MB D Div East District (includes D Div HQ)

MB D Div West District

MB D Div North District

ON O Div North East District (including Ottawa O Div)

ON National Div District

ON NHQ District

ON Greater Toronto Area District

ON South West District

QC West District

QC Headquarters District

QC C Div East District

NB J Div Codiac District

NB South East District

NB J Div West District

NB J Div North East District

NS H Div Halifax District (includes H Div HQ)

NS H Div North East District

NS H Div South West District

NL East District

NL B Div Labrador District

NL B Div West District

PEI District

YK M Div District

NWT District

NU District